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  • Private Tours


*Cost:  $60 for up to 6 peopleand $10 for each additional person, paid in advance. NO REFUNDS.

Private Tours are given by knowledgable Tour Guides and availability is on a "First Come-First Serve" basis, so please fill out the form below and enter your requested tour date and a representative will contact you within 24 hours.

Tours take about an hour and a half and are led by a knowledgeable tour guide. Guests should be prepared to walk on shell pathways for a distance of one half mile.

Special Alert: A Private Tour GUARANTEES you to see the interior of the Art Hall, the Planetary Court and the Founders House! 

Tour participants will learn the history of founder Cyrus Teed and the Koreshan Unity, offering a glimpse of life as it was for these early Florida pioneers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

*Cost does not include park admission of $5 for up to eight occupants per vehicle plus $2 each additional occupant. Click here to pay park admission in advance, online.

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Friends of Koreshan is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of historic, environmental and recreational resources of Koreshan State Park for present and future generations. Learn More.

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